The project, created by programmers from the Running With Scissors studio, is as usual full of elements that make it a subject of controversy not only among the players themselves, but also among politicians fighting against violence and various social organizations.
Postal III is the next installment of one of the bloodiest and most brutal productions in the history of electronic entertainment. We play it in the single player campaign. The project, created by programmers from the Running With Scissors studio, is as usual full of elements that make it a subject of controversy not only among the players themselves, but also among politicians fighting against violence and various social organizations.
The project, created by programmers from the Running With Scissors studio, is as usual full of elements that make it a subject of controversy not only among the players themselves, but also among politicians fighting against violence and various social organizations.
StoryThe plot of the product, just like the story told in the previous parts of the series, focuses on the fate of Postal Dude, a frustrated individual who cannot cope with finding a permanent job.
StoryThe plot of the product, just like the story told in the previous parts of the series, focuses on the fate of Postal Dude, a frustrated individual who cannot cope with finding a permanent job.
StoryThe plot of the product, just like the story told in the previous parts of the series, focuses on the fate of Postal Dude, a frustrated individual who cannot cope with finding a permanent job.