They need to hold and save Suez, then fight back and send the enemy all the way back to Tunisia while the operation Torch will send the signal of the end for the enemy in North Africa.Be careful of the potential weakness of some quality but small units and, above all, watch your supply lines, as no war can be undertaken in the desert without adequate logistics.
One player represents the German and Italian units (land and air) of the Axis in North Africa, while the other commands an array of British, Indian, Australian, South-African, Polish, Greek, Free-French troops and Royal Air force units fighting for the Allies. The mastery of your supplies and communication networks will be the key of victory…or defeat. Scenario durations last from 4 turns (for the smaller ones) to over 42 turns, each representing a two-week period between April 1941 and December 1942 (plus the 1940 months in the Italian Offensive scenario).The Axis have numerous but poorly led and badly organized Italian forces at the start of the game, but their German reinforcements, although of the best quality and despite being few in numbers, may prove decisive if used sensibly and not exhausted in violent battles.