A combination of the robotic foes known as Ultron from the Marvel Universe and Sigma from the Capcom Universe, this psychotic villain is obsessed with infecting all organic life with a cybernetic virus.
Iconic Heroes: More characters join the announce roster (Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Captain America, Ryu, Mega Man X and Morrigan) in the battle for survival, including Hulk, Thor, Hawkeye, Rocket Raccoon, Chun-Li, Strider Hiryu, Chris Redfield and Ultron, bringing the current roster up to 14 characters with more to be revealed in the future. Capcom: Infinite is being built to highlight a combination of iconic locations and fan favorite characters from both universes, including Captain Marvel and Iron Man from the Marvel side, and Ryu and Mega Man X from Capcom. Infinite Power: Choose one of the six powerful Infinity Stones from the Marvel Universe to influence the outcome of battle. Capcom: Infinite, the next era of the highly revered action-fighting game series.