Some of them are meetings where we have the opportunity to choose one of several options, and some of them are skirmishes.
The positioning of our heroes (one in front and the other in the back), as well as the deck of cards we have built, have a big impact on their positive completion. Roguebook is a card roguelike set in the Faeria universe, in which, controlling the fate of two heroes, we travel through a randomly generated world, where our goal is to gain the knowledge contained in the title book. The heroes available in the game include Sharra, the dragon slayer specializing in hand-to-hand combat, the universal Sorocco, buffing and affecting time Aurora, as well as Seifer - Blood Tyrant with devilish powers, thanks to which he can turn into a demon. We get gems while traveling and we can find among them both typical and very rare ones, significantly affecting the strength of our deck.